In case you’ve been living under a rock or have decided to forego exposure to the internet and social media over the last few days, you’ve probably noticed a rather special new piece of content has been released for rFactor 2 by the hugely prolific and highly talented EnduRacers Modding Team – here at Studio we’ve certainly been keeping an eye on this one, and I can only speak for myself personally in saying that it has rather monopolized my sim time over the last couple of days….

Not sure what I’m talking about? Well fear not, we’ve got you covered on that score… introducing the EnduRacers Alpine Series mod for rFactor 2 – adding the Cup and GT4 variation of little A110 from the popular French carmaker to rFactor 2 as a free piece of downloadable content. What makes this even more special is the fact that EnduRacers have officially licenced these two new cars with the manufacturer, and have worked exceptionally closely with Signatech Alpine in order to replicate the light and powerful GT racers as closely as possible to their real world counterparts, using real data and with input from the actual drivers of the cars!
Endurances Alpine Series | Steam Workshop: Click Here.
This release is an incredible achievement from the team at EnduRacers, and testament to the level of dedication, skill and determination of the community in rFactor 2 to achieve the very best level or realism and immersion within our favourite simulation.
Here at Studio 397 we’ve been so excited to see the realization of this project, and so impressed with the final outcome, we couldn’t let the opportunity pass to not give these beautifully crafted new cars a platform on which the wider community can race them – as such, we are absolutely delighted to announce both the Alpine A110 Cup and Alpine A110 GT4 we be coming to the rFactor 2 Competition System – starting now!

With the first events already in action for the Cup car, and with the GT4 to follow tonight, we will be hosting a series of regular races across multiple circuits using both the Cup and GT4 variants of the car, each with their own standalone series to allow drivers the maximum opportunities to sample these fantastic creations in anger out on the circuit.
The races will be run in our new Competition System found within rFactor 2, and should last in the region of 20 – 30 minutes per race event.
What are you waiting for? Get the cars downloaded, start practising, and we will see you out on the virtual racetracks of rFactor 2 very soon indeed!